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How To Keep The Spiders In McAllen Outside Where They Belong

Brown Recluse Spider crawling in a bathroom.

Some of the most common types of spiders in Texas that venture inside homes include: 

  • Black widow spiders: The venomous black widow is among the most feared species that generally appears black and has a distinctive red marking on its underside. 
  • Brown recluse spiders: Despite their name, some brown recluse spiders appear more tan or grey and have a unique “violin-like” marking. The species may trigger harmful reactions if they bite a human. 
  • Hobo spiders: The usually larger female hobo spider might reach a leg span of more than two inches. Loosely considered as a “funnel-web” spider, they typically appear in shades of tan or brown and are unlikely to be a human health risk. 
  • Common house spider: Also referred to as the American house spider, this relatively harmless species creates messy webs and often exists in yards with gardens. 

Because of their small size, many types of spider species are challenging to differentiate from one another if viewed only with the naked eye. Individuals who are victims of a bite from a black widow or brown recluse spider are encouraged to seek prompt medical attention. 

What Does It Mean If You See Spiders In Your Home?

Property owners perplexed by reasons for spider invasions should first understand what are spiders attracted to. As with the majority of pests, spiders will typically reside in areas with ample food sources—most likely insects.  

Easy & Effective Spider Prevention Tips

Limit the presence of other pests that spiders commonly consume, including flying insects, ants, and cockroaches, by adopting consistent cleaning practices that remove crumbs, spills, and other food scraps. Avoid leaving dirty dishes or bowls of uneaten pet food out overnight and ensure that kitchen-area trash cans have functional lids. Limit bright lights around entry doors that attract moths and other flying pests that spiders pursue, or consider installing “yellowish” LED bulbs that attract fewer types of pests. 

The Most Effective Spider Control For McAllen Homes

The team of experienced pest control technicians with the BUGWORKS Termite & Pest Control Company provides high-quality spider control services for property owners throughout this region. Contact us today to schedule an onsite property inspection.

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