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6 Common Summer Pests

Summer Pests

As the temperature rises during the summer months, so does the presence of pesky pests looking for a cool place to call home. These unwanted visitors, from ants to mosquitoes, can wreak havoc on your household.

1. Ants:

Ants are one of the most common summer pests homeowners encounter. They are attracted to food sources and can quickly infest your kitchen or pantry. To prevent ants from entering your home, keep all food stored in airtight containers and clean up any spills or crumbs immediately. If you find ants in your home, consider using ant baits or sprays to eliminate them.

2. Mosquitoes:

Mosquitoes are annoying with their itchy bites and can carry diseases such as West Nile virus and Zika virus. To prevent mosquitoes from breeding near your home, eliminate any standing water in your yard where they can lay their eggs. You can also use citronella candles or mosquito repellent to keep them at bay.

3. Flies:

Flies are another common summer pest that can quickly become a nuisance in your home. They are attracted to decaying organic matter and can spread bacteria and disease. Cover trash cans to prevent flies from entering your home, and promptly clean up any pet waste. You can also use fly traps or sprays to eliminate them.

4. Cockroaches:

Cockroaches thrive in warm and humid environments, making them a common summer pest in many households. They are known for carrying pathogens that can cause diseases such as salmonella and E. coli. To prevent cockroaches from infesting your home, seal any cracks or crevices where they can enter and store all food securely.

5. Spiders:

Spiders may not be harmful to humans, but their presence can still be unsettling for many people. They are attracted to dark corners and cluttered areas in your home where they can build their webs undisturbed. To prevent spiders from taking up residence in your home, make sure to declutter regularly and vacuum up any cobwebs you see.

6. Bees and Wasps:

Bees and wasps are beneficial insects that play a vital role in pollination, but they can also pose a threat if they build nests near your home. To prevent bees and wasps from nesting on your property, seal any openings where they could enter and remove any sources of standing water where they might drink.

Home Pest Control In McAllen, TX

Summer pests can be more than just a nuisance; they can pose significant health risks and cause damage to your home. At BUGWORKS Termite & Pest Control Company, we understand the importance of keeping your home and family safe from these common summer pests. Our expert team in McAllen, TX, is equipped with the knowledge and tools to effectively manage and prevent pest infestations. Contact us today at (956) 948-6803 to schedule a consultation and take the first step towards a pest-free summer. Let us help you enjoy the season without the worry of unwanted guests.

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